Refrigeration Case Cleaning


We have been providing deep cleaning of refrigeration  cabinets since 2004 , 

We will visit your store and pre plan your refrigeration case clean  to reduce downtime , hence saving your  units being offline at peak periods.

Our engineers can isolate cabinets prior to refrigeration case cleaning process and then  strip down each unit  to enable us deep clean each unit improving efficiency and reducing engergy costs.

We will sanitise each unit and check fans and baffles and check for any leaks, prior to reinstalling each unit.

We can work throughout the night or schedule your refrigeration case clean as  convenient 7 DAYS A WEEK 



We will add products that will reduce leaks on the shop floor, please ask if you wish to discuss this option.

Principles of Case Cleaning 

Saves Energy

Food Quality Control

Reduces water leaks

Reduces down time of units.

Refrigeration case cleaning is important and should be pre planned , so both the store and operatives maximise cleaning opportunities.

We can clean coldrooms -plant and air conditioning units ensuring your store meets food standard legislation.

refrigeration case cleaning in Manchester

refrigeration  case cleaning in Yorkshire

refrigeration case cleaning in North East

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